That's not really the point of this post though, cuz ain't that topic just a total drag. I really just want to talk about human archetypes.
Throughout my many years of working, I've encountered a good number of people and a small number of personality types. We all want to be special, but since we're not, here are my groupings.
1) The Brilliant Asshole
Deep down, I think we all want to be this person. The brilliant assholes are people who can get away with being mean and generally shitty because they are just so damn good at their jobs. They deliver consistently, they're good in meetings, they bring in revenue, they show up and do the work. They are not likeable, but they are a big asset. I have a desire deep within me to be insulting to everyone and not pay the price.
2) The Humble Brilliant
Here's another category of person we all want to be (generally speaking, we all wish we were brilliant). The humble brilliant is someone who is so good and sought after that this person has no need to be an asshole or any kind of poser. In fact this person is generous and nice to everyone and acts humble and grateful for everything you do. When you find this person, hang on for dear life, never let them go until you absolutely have to (they are so very rare).
PS: one thing to note about the humble brilliant is that they are becoming somewhat extinct. The world pushes them to be harder than they once were.
3) The Idiotic Bullshitter
This is a person with a big ego who talks complete gibberish but somehow manages to a) have a job and b) get really well paid for it. This person is usually skating on thin ice because their bullshitting skills are pretty mild. For a little while, you think they know what they're talking about, but as the discussion goes on, you realize that their words are nothing but empty vessels that are spoken with the sole goal of ending the conversation. These people don't advance the plot, instead they create meaningless busy work that others end up having to be responsible for because they conveniently disappear at opportune times. I hope this person is not you.
4) The Idiotic Asshole
This person usually doesn't survive too long within an organization. They're stupid and they're mean and no one can stand them. There is no interest to this category.
5) The Brilliant Bullshitter
Not totally unlike the idiotic bullshitter as far as overall laziness, the main difference is that the brilliant bullshitter has mad bullshitting skills. They can walk into a meeting, say something really smart, then walk out and literally do no work. BSing is an art, and the Brilliant Bullshitters are The Vermeers of this form.
6) The Doer
These people put their heads down and do all the work that the idiot bullshitter and brilliant bullshitter conjured up in moments of panic. They take a lot in stride and have very adaptable personalities. They "get it," a blessing and a curse. You mustn't think of the doer as a victim, though. They know what they're doing, and that is always employable.
7) The Career Amoeba
This is someone who has done pretty well within an organization but doesn't have enormous ambitions. They are only as political as they need to be. The don't really help careers, they don't really hurt careers, they are just... amoebas.
8) The Career Killer
These are generally pretty ruthless people and highly political. They are not without skill, but if they don't like you, they will crush you.
9) And me, of course, I am a neutral 3rd party observer in all of this. I do not judge, I just narrate.