Thursday, September 13, 2012

This Shouts & Murmurs  in the New Yorker is Hilarious
This piece in the New Yorker is so funny because it's so damn true and somehow seems to be flying under the radar of controversy (probably because it's categorized as a "humor" piece). I posted this on facebook the other day and got one "like" and one clandestine share (i.e. I got no credit for the post. This is what I get for being a content aggregator/generator). Either people didn't think it was as funny as I did, didn't read it, or silently agreed. I have plenty of friends with kids and this has nothing to do with them. It does have something to do with how society perceives women who don't have kids though. Basically, they are left out of every single political speech ever. And as someone who doesn't have a kid, I just nod vapidly at Michelle Obama's mom-in-chief statement or Ann Romney or every female politician with a family. I can't relate to half of what they say about women because half of it is about the nobility of being a mother. But I don't want to nod vapidly, I want them to address all women, not just the moms. What about people who can't have children, can't afford fertility treatments and would prefer not to adopt? What about people who choose not to have children for one reason or another? What about the people who don't find the right person to have a child with? I reserve the right to have a kid one day, by the way, but I have to say, it is far more difficult to decide not to have a child than to just have one, because (newsflash) the human species is hard wired to procreate. When you have a kid, you are following along with what pretty much everyone else in the world is doing, but when you decide not to, you are contradicting what we were biologically put on this earth to do and that takes real guts and is just as noble an act (if you think in such terms as "noble").

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