Saturday, September 8, 2012

Oh, just shit.

Hey, this blog is full of introspection and looking back. But remember that successful people don't look back, they only look forward. So... onward to looking backward.

1) In the event of an apocalypse, I will not be one of the post-apocalyptic survivors
Unfortunately, I don't have skills that are connected back to the earth in any way. I don't know how to build a fire, or kill animals, or build shelter or generally survive off the land no matter how many episodes of Mythbusters I watch. In all those post-apocalyptic shows, movies and books, the survivors are bad ass in some way shape or another: they're really strong, they look scary, they're really good with a bow, they just happen to own a lot of weapons, they're doctors (and therefore useful to everyone), they're truly evil. I have none of these skills. 

But if you need to create and produce a 30 second TV spot, I'm your girl.

2) Most of my Facebook Friends are Democrats...
... as evidenced by the RNC bashing and the DNC worshiping that occurred on my wall over the last week. My own perspective is that the DNC's speeches were superior and more sophisticated but that doesn't mean much. I thought Ann Romney did a great job with her speech as well, and Mitt Romney doesn't scare me as much as he does most people for some reason. And I've always actually liked Chris Christie. If I lived in New Jersey, I'd have voted for him. But the people surrounding Mitt do scare the living hell out of me. I think Bill Clinton's speech will go down in history as one of the more candid and clear political speeches. I do believe that the GOP has hijacked the House and Senate, making it impossible to govern, and I think part of the reason is that they just don't like Obama. Period. Whether that be, deep down, racism, or whether they just don't like the guy, it's certainly affecting things negatively. The truth is that we the people will never really know the truth as it occurs, unless we are there in Washington, living the political life for ourselves, there is no way of knowing what is really happening in government. My own belief is that all is corrupt and driven by special interest no matter what party. I like the Democratic party rhetoric the most because to me, it seems to stem from common sense. But I don't vote for party, I vote for people and the truth is, I don't care what party is in the White House, I just want them to do a good job -- I know I've said this before. I wouldn't be psyched if Romney wins and fails for instance (I'm sure some would). Nor do I want Obama to fail. I just want the right person for the job. Maybe that makes me a flip flopper, but I like to keep my options open.

3) You should check out this movie "Keep the Lights On"
A friend of a friend, who I had the pleasure of meeting, plays one of the leading roles in this film (Paul). It's a love story about a gay couple that lasts long and then ends. Check it out. Limited release in NY and LA, because the states in the middle are just not there yet.

4) Please God, let the men's US Open Final be tomorrow
Because I have tickets, and if I can't go tomorrow, I won't be able to go at all. Fuck.

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